Function Reference


Returns File System Type of a drive.

DriveGetFileSystem ( "path" )



path Path of drive to receive information from.


Return Value

Success: Returns the File System Type of the drive as a string; see table below.
Failure: Sets @error to 1.

Return Value Interpretation
1 (numeric) Drive does NOT contain media (CD, Floppy, Zip) or media is unformatted (RAW).
"FAT" Typical file system for drives under ~500 MB such as Floppy, RAM disks, USB "pen" drives, etc.
"FAT32" Typical file system for Windows 9x/Me hard drives.
"NTFS" Typical file system for Windows NT/2000/XP hard drives.
"NWFS" Typical file system for Novell Netware file servers.
"CDFS" Typically indicates a CD (or an ISO image mounted as a virtual CD drive).
"UDF" Typically indicates a DVD.



The list of possible return values might be incomplete.



DriveGetDrive, DriveGetLabel, DriveGetSerial, DriveGetType, DriveSetLabel, DriveSpaceFree, DriveSpaceTotal, DriveStatus



$var = DriveGetFileSystem( "c:\" )
MsgBox(4096,"File System Type:", $var)